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The Society have available public transport & Society themed merchandise for purchase, as a fund-raising venture for our organisation. Any profits of merchandise, will be used in the restoration and preservation of Society vehicles.


These products are available to the public, along with members. One popular item each year, is a calendar the Society produce locally, featuring Tasmanian Buses only, which depict vintage & new buses from around the state over many years.

Heritage photos are generously provided by many long-time bus enthusiasts including : Bruce Tilley, Geoffrey Foster and the late Ted Lidster, Peter Kane, Ian G Cooper and Ken Flood amongst others. The Society are indebted to these individuals, for allowing us use of their material, obtained over many years recording bus history across Tasmania.

If you wish to order an individual merchandise item*, you can do so via : or alternatively contact the Society on our public Facebook page:

*price of item does NOT include postage / delivery charges. These charges will be added, once delivery location is known.



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Beanie (black only)               Polo Shirt (black only)       Baseball Cap (black or grey)            Bomber Jacket (black only)

           $20                                            $40                                         $20                                                     $70

              NOTE: All of the above items will have the Tasmanian Bus & Coach Society logo embroidered on them.


            Badges                        TBCS Patch            Annual Calendar                          Tiebars

             $2ea                               $10                     SPECIAL $5                             $15ea

 Photos of TBCS vehicles                                     2024 BELOW COST             Retro #200 / CB80

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